Manoj Sharma, Chris Metzler, and Sudarshan Nagesh’s paper titled “Inverse Scattering via Transmission Matrices: Broadband Illumination and Fast Phase Retrieval Algorithms” was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging on May 28th, 2019.
Feds fund creation of headset for high-speed brain link
Austin tech leaders join forces to help direct the future of AI
IBM MERA Press Coverage: [NPR] [BBC] [Scientific American] [Austin American-Statesman] [Inc.] [IEEE GlobalSpec] [Rice]
Project FlatCam featured on NBC
Project FlatCam featured on Rice University News and NBC News:
Project DistancePPG featured on Rice University News
Project DistancePPG featured on Rice University News:
Project MobileVision featured on Rice University News:
Project MobileVision featured on Rice University News: