Unrolled-DOT: An Interpretable Deep Network for Diffuse Optical Tomography

Real-world CW/ToF-DOT Dataset

PANDORA: Polarization-Aided Neural Decomposition Of Radiance

Real and Simulated Polarimetric Multi-view dataset

MERL-Rice Near-INfrared Pulse (MR. NIRP)

NIR + RGB dataset

Driving     Indoor

FlatCam Face Dataset (FCFD)

FlatCam captures and reconstructions


Unconstrained gaze estimation on tablets

Fourier Ptychography and Phase Retrieval dataset

Synthetic apertures using Fourier pytchography

Imaging Photoplethysmography Dataset

Extracting heart rate and heart rate variability(HRV) from imaging Photoplethysmography signals acquired using cameras

Transmission Matrix and Phase Retrieval dataset

Transmission matrices of various scattering media