Learning Phase Mask for Privacy-Preserving Passive Depth Estimation. ECCV, 2022

MINER: Multiscale Implicit Neural Representations. ECCV, 2022

PANDORA: Polarization-Aided Neural Decomposition of Radiance. ECCV, 2022

Imaging Photoplethysmography in NIR for Driver Monitoring, Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020

Overcoming Video Compression for Camera-Based Vital Signs. Biomedical Optics Express, 2020

Impact of Skin Type and Gender on Non-contact Photoplethysmography Measurements. CVPR CVPM, 2020

FreeCam3D: Snapshot structured light 3D with freely-moving cameras. ECCV 2020

The video below provides a brief one minute preview of FreeCam3D.

The video below is a detailed ten minute description of FreeCam3D.

HeartCam: Camera-based physiology monitoring in-the-wild. ICCP 2020

WISHED: Wavefront imaging sensor with high resolution and depth ranging. ICCP 2020